This is a picture of newly adopted (kitten) Peanut (who's new name is Violet) and her big brother Curly. Violet was adopted with littermate McKitten (now named Tate) and all have settled in quite well as you can see!
Kevin (formally known as Snowball) is doing great! Words cannot describe how sweet he is. A few months ago I had to move to Walnut Creek for work and Kevin has adjusted wonderfully. His stomatitis kept flaring up so he had to have his remaining few teeth pulled. He handled the surgery like a champ and is even happier and more affectionate now, which makes me feel bad I didn't do it earlier. He loves climbing his cat tree and begging for treats, but his favorite pastime is snuggling with me! My entire family from Sacramento is just as obsessed with him and demand to come over and see him on a regular basis. I've sent just a small collection of Kevin's cutest moments, I hope that you enjoy them! Say hi to Morris and all the other kitties for me!
Hannah He is doing really well! We changed his name to Goblin and he comes when we call him. He has settled in nicely. It isn't often he wants to sit on someone, but he always wants to be around the activity. He follows me from room to room throughout the day and he has his spot in the couch between my husband and I that he occupies each night. He usually sleeps with us at the foot of the bed, but sometimes he likes to mix things up and sleep with my son on the top bunk or snuggle with my daughter while she reads. He also likes to scale the Murphy bed in my office and watch me work!
He and Copernicus have become friends. They sleep near one another and wrestle together several times a day. At first I thought Copernicus was being aggressive towards Goblin, but then I noticed Goblin trying to bait Copernicus into a fight or sneak attacking him as he came around a corner. They seem to genuinely like one another and miss each other after a few hours of separation. Copernicus lives the catio ( the kids call it meow meow meadows) and he spends a lot of time out there. Goblin goes out for a few minutes, then he's ready to come back in. If Copernicus is out too long, Goblin goes looking for him or will wait at the cat door for him. He is a voracious eater! I swear he is always hungry. Copernicus can't be trusted with food, so they both get a measured amount of food. If Copernicus is distracted, I sneak extra to Goblin, though. He eats a lot, but he's still really skinny. Anyway, he's doing great. He is much less aloof than when we brought him home and seems content in his new environment. I don't have many pictures of him because he is either sleeping or skeetering about playing and neither make for good photos. I did coax him into sitting up and staying awake for a few minutes, though. Hope you enjoy! Kelly The boys are doing great. They have settled in well and bringing lots of love and joy. Groban was on meds for a few weeks but his hair seems to be growing back nicely- I guess he won't have male pattern baldness any time soon.
Here are a few pictures. Unfortunately Kap is a quick one so there were not many non-blurry ones to choose from. Hope all is well for the other felines! Kris Parker is doing FABULOUS. He is the coolest cat. He just came out of his shell about a month ago. Not only did he stand up to the bully cat, he made friends with the other one and they actually play together (exactly what I wanted). He gets lotsa love and treats. It took some time for him to build trust, but he has finally made himself at home. He moves about freely, sleeps where he wants to, seems to like the other animals and me a lot. He is fully integrated and we all love him. He loves getting pets. He has the loudest purr, it is pretty funny. We are very lucky to have him. Thanks again for the work that you do.
Cristina The kitties are doing great...they're already right at home. They're fascinated by the dog and love to watch him. Sassy has even gotten pretty close to him a few times, but the dog is a little afraid of them so he usually scoots away. They've been eating just fine and digesting everything normally. Cosmo's super talkative and they both like being in the same room with us. Everything's been wonderful and they're very happy kitties! I'll include some pictures and videos that I've taken so far. They're from my phone so hopefully they send ok! Kailey Odin aka Kit is doing great! He's in good health and spends most of days sleeping on the couch. Then in the evenings he wakes up and runs a few laps around the house, sharpens his claws on everything except the scratch post, and meows at the door to try to get outside. Sorry kitty, you live inside! Here's a recent photo. This is what I like to call his "wide stance" :)
Take care! Lindsay Mini P is doing great. She's also really bonded with my cat, Dori. It was iffy if they would get along at first, but now they're best friends. I did my research and introduced them really slowly and now they're inseparable. It's adorable!
Thank you again for bringing her to my little family! Brittany Thank you for all your help in helping Starling (now Calli) find her forever home. We talked to her all the way home and she was very curious to explore around when we got home. Our dog is more scared of her than she is of our dog. I think this is going to work out just fine!!!! So happy for our new addition! You are doing wonderful work in finding good homes for these little kittens. I will tell you thank you on their behalf.
Sandy |
February 2018