Malomar is settling in quite well! 😊
She still spooks easily, but she gets better every day and she has finally accepted our Basset Hound, Phiona. She sleeps at the foot of our bed nearly every night and she's such a good girl. She is truly the queen of the house, demanding wet food twice a day. We usually only cave in at breakfast time, although Allan does give her a little turkey now and again. We love her, thanks again for getting us together. Sincerely, Angie and Allan
Wow cant believe it has been a year already! Roo is doing great!! He just eat sleep and play all day, without a care in the world~ he's getting slightly bigger and heavier, I'm planning to put him on a diet.
Cathy Milo and family are doing awesome. He fits right in! Our other cat, Buddy, and Milo are great friends and hang out and play together. One habit Milo has picked up is playing with the dog's tail which is being grudgingly tolerated. None of my current pictures convey his cuteness. I will try and snap a couple and forward them to you. This is the last shot my son took of him .
Joanne Everything is going great! We all love our kitties so much! Thank you for emailing. They get outside time twice a day, and we have windows on all sides of our house. They both have learned to walk on leashes. We are quite the sight in our neighborhood.
Kindest regards, Kim Four years ago, I took in a feral kitten, Delilah. I was never a cat person, dogs were my thing… A year later, I decided she needed a friend, and so starts the story of Jezebel and my transformation into a crazy cat lady! I first saw Jezebel while looking at the Bradshaw Shelter website. Her name was just letters and numbers at that point. She had a very striking face, and was so adorable; I decided I should meet her. I found out she was in a foster home with Lapcats, and her name was Tinkerbelle. It is my understanding that she was at risk at the shelter as they believed she had ringworm. The day I met her, I ended up taking her home (which wasn’t really in the plan). I had to borrow a carrier and off we went! When I first got Jezebel, she was battling a double ear infection as well as a skin infection. She would lick one spot as if she had OCD until it would go bare. Once visiting the vet, we were able to get her ear drops and a shot to stop the itching… all was right within a few weeks! (She also recently, 2014, had to have a half dozen teeth extracted - and managed it like a champ!) It took some time and adjustment, but she and Delilah would get along great. At first, Delilah was simply SOOOO excited to have a friend that all she wanted to do was play and play and play – which stressed Jezebel. Delilah is quite spunky and has a wild streak. Jezebel is the exact opposite, she is the most mellow, calm and care free little creature I’ve ever seen! Jezebel does suffer from some sort of vision issue, the extent of which I am not sure. I’ve noticed that it appears her depth perception is off, but it doesn’t slow her down! She loves toys that roll and rattle, and will make sure to let you know when one is stuck under the couch. Jezebel (along with Delilah) has found her own little corner of the internet. The two have their own instagram account (@delilah_jezebel) with over 5k followers who like to check out their kitty shenanigans. Although this little kitty has been renamed several times… she also has a nickname that is used constantly. Her nickname is “beeper.” This is because, she hardly ever meows, and if she does it comes out more like a quick beep than anything else. She loves loves loves sitting with her people, and loves blankets. She’s even been made her own crocheted ‘beeper blanket’. She longs to be outside, but I can’t bring to let her do it. She settles with laying in front of the screen door for hours.
Jezebel regularly helps with the Lapcats website and updates, she tries to oversee and proof read most items! Thank you so much for saving this amazing kitty, and giving us a wonderful little friend and family member! Katie Clark
Our little Bella Boo is doing very well. She is not running and hiding as much when we come home. There's something about the front door, whenever we come in or leave, she runs and hides under the bed?Not sure why. We bought her a new bed and she seems to love it!
She's so funny, I have dry food in her bowl that she doesn't seem to like but if I get a tiny bit out and put it in front of her and say treat, she will eat it!! lol! I sure wish we could get one more so she could have a friend to hang out with. Talk to you soon. Lynn
Hope all is well with you. The boys are doing great. They are still loving the house and all of our other cats. We recently took in one more that had been abandoned at my mother in law's condo complex. We got her as a kitten and we were able to get the rest of the litter and the mother fixed and adopted without too much trouble.
Here are a few pictures of them with one of our other boys. Take care, Matt I had to share these pictures of Auggie (gray) and Lily (tiger stripped tabby) who were adopted a couple of years ago from LapCats as a bonded pair. They were almost separated at the shelter but they are together forever now. They are the apple of their moms eye!
![]() I just wanted to give you an update on Champ's first night here. He stayed in the carrier for awhile when we first got home. I tried to give him some treats and coax him out with food, but he was pretty apprehensive and wanted to stay put. After a bit, I took him out of the carrier and we sat on the couch and watched TV until bedtime. He seemed to relax a bit there on my lap with lots of pets and loves. He slept in the bed with me all night and in the morning he was relaxed enough to get some belly scratches, which he seemed to really like because he started purring up a storm. I put him by himself in the second bedroom/office while I am at work today. I put the carrier in there because that is where he seems to want to hang out for now. I gave him lots of pets before I left and he did some more purring and a little talking. He's got a great little voice! He hasn't really tried to explore anywhere. He pretty much goes in the carrier or wherever I pick him up and sit with him. He still hasn't eaten anything, had any water, or used the litter box. I left him with both wet and dry food and some treats on the floor as well as the water fountain. Hopefully with some quiet during the day he venture out and eat something. So far it is a mixed reaction from the other two cats. Bo came up to Champ and they smelled each other and then Bo backed off. They've done this 5 or 6 times now. No hissing or growling or anything. Bo seems curious about his new brother, a little unsure, but he seems to want to be friendly and otherwise is acting like his normal self. He tried to come on the bed last night and lay down with us, but Champ didn't like it, gave a little hiss and so Bo left. That's the only hiss I've heard from Champ so far, it wasn't really aggressive, just a little scared I think. I'm guessing they'll eventually get along just fine. I'm hoping the same will be true with Rusty after he has some time to adjust. Rusty's first reaction to Champ was to hiss at him and run away. That's the only interaction they've really had so far. They've kept an eye on each other when they have been in the same room together, but Rusty is avoiding Champ. I've tried to make sure all the kitties are getting attention, but Rusty is apparently very mad at me, because I pick him up and pet him, and then he hisses at me and runs away. Rusty is a sweet kitty, but has always been shy and sensitive. He doesn't seem overtly aggressive towards Champ, but he sure does seem to be mad at me. I'm trying to bribe him with treats and pets, but for now he's holding a bit of a grudge. I'm hoping it will just be a matter of having time to adjust. I wasn't able to get the photos downloaded from my camera before I left for work this morning, but I'll get that done tonight and send them your way. Thank you so much for this little guy. He's still a little scared right now, but I can tell he's just the sweetest cat and is going to be such a wonderful little love bug and a great addition to our family. April April 17: Rusty is already starting to cope, at least a little bit. They seem to be figuring things out. And Champ is such a good boy. He's been so calm and patient while the other two cats try to figure out what is going on. Here are the pictures from last night as well as a couple I've taken of Champ here. He's feeling pretty cozy here on the couch with me. We played a little with a feather toy and had some treats. Then he did a little grooming and now he's nodding off. He's definitely feeling more relaxed tonight and was purring on my lap a bit earlier. You can be sure he's getting lots of love here! Though I know he's misses you too. April Update, Update! Bella came out of the closet yesterday!!! Woohoo! Sshe is one of the most sweetest kitty's I've had. :-) she loves lots of attention and her lil belly rubbed too. Love It! We are getting to know each other and I'm taking it as slow as she wants. Paul and I are already falling in love with her. I left your carrier and some coffee for you yesterday @ Petsmart. Hope you enjoy it.
Lynn The boys carry his scratchers where ever he goes. So he constantly has most of them around him haha. He's been a little moody with the boxes everywhere while I pack, so he's been getting extra treats and love. We're picking him up a new calming collar today when we grab his food so he's a little more relaxed as moving day arrives.
Everything is going pretty well--they're not snuggle buddies but they're giving each other plenty of exercise running around the house after each other & play fighting with each other.
Giddy is usually the aggressor--he'll jump Simon in the middle of the floor(where Simon is laying on his back to show his beautiful tummy with one eye open--really he always keeps one eye open when he lays like that!) and they'll start rolling around with each other on the floor. Giddy makes these little squeaks when they play. When I first heard him, I thought I had a mouse in the house & one of the cats had gotten it. Other times, Giddy is just chilling out & Simon decides to start something(much less often). It's funny to watch at times because Simon doesn't really know how to box--he keeps batting at the air in front of Giddy whereas Giddy know how to land his punches. I believe he must have been professionally trained. When I get home from work, they're usually waiting for me on the sofa across from the front door--at opposite ends but at least they're together. And they each come hopping off the couch to greet me. They are always jockeying for position by me--neither one is really a lapcat but they want to be in the same room with me & they're usually not out of each other's sight for more than a minute. I'm hosting Easter dinner tomorrow so it will be the first opportunity to see how they do with more than one or two extra people in the house. Simon has always been relaxed around people--just lays on his cat tree by the sofa & enjoys the conversation. Giddy has gone racing into the back bedroom when a new person enters the house(and I do mean racing!) and won't appear until after they've been gone at least half an hour(better safe than sorry!). Giddy has given Simon a second youth which is a joy to see & Giddy makes me smile every day with his soft breathy hiss meow(like a tiny obscene phone caller!) & crazy antics. Spring has really sprung this year at the Murphy household! Thanks again for everything, Margaret |
February 2018