All is great here! Man, he is a lover. Slept all through the night not a peep but when I called him, he answered immediately and we played hard for a while, not sure how long this bathroom can hold him! Here are some photos, I look like hell but it had been a long day! He’s exactly as you described him. Even cried when Ruby belly ached when clipping her nails. I’m pretty sure he must be Maine Coon mix too because he’s really into getting in the water in both sink and bath.
He and Ruby play a lot of footsie. She has a keen interest in him and he tries to reach her when she’s at the door. So I am hopeful there! Will let you know how the meet and greet goes when the time comes. Cheers, Misti
After a year and almost 4 months in the shelter system (six months and one day in the shelter and the rest in foster care), Cat is on trial with Linda and doing GREAT! Check out this update less than 24 hours after she went "home."
"CatCat" is doing really well. After she ate (right after she arrived here) she checked out her cat tree, then rested/hid under my loveseat for a few hrs. When she came out, she came to me for some major loves, and rubbing all over me and giving me "head bumps". She explored our room, the bed and all it's pillows, and rubbed on most of the corners of all furniture, thus her mark and making it her own. She was soooo enjoying herself! Using catbox fine, eating well. This morning my 3 yr old granddaughter Cyan came into our (now Linda and CatCat's room) bedroom to say good morning. After 5 min CatCat came out from under the bed and pranced around, letting Cyan pet her. My daughter then came in and Cat rubbed all over her foot. What a wonderful start with her new family! I have given her a new name..Katniss, and keeping her nickname CatCat. If you've watched the Hunger Games movies, you know the character Katniss...strong, independant, with a loving and kind heart. That's my sweet Katniss! Kiki and kit Kat are doing great. Today their cat post arrived. Kiki was actually more shy compared to kit Kat. Both cats have acclimated to the house and have been in all the rooms (except the bathrooms). Unfortunately I cam down sick with a stomach bug this week,Kit Kat was constantly by my side as I recouped.
Jason I wanted to give you an update on Stella as we approach almost 1 month of having her as part of the family. She is the ultimate lap cat - one part of her always has to be touching you! She spends her nights in bed with us, curled up next to my feet. She watches a movie with me with her head on my laptop keyboard or snuggles at my side while I read a book. She LOVES sitting by the window or hanging out on our porch. She is such a happy, talkative lady now that she has settled in! She even took a trip downstairs to hang out with "Auntie Jen", our neighbor who Stella decided should also be part of her family. I am attaching some pictures to this email so you can see that she is happy, healthy, and thriving. I can't thank you enough for helping me find the perfect match!
We named the one with the white mittens Sierra. The other one is named Shadow. Tuckered out after chasing. Sadie and her new playmates.
I thought I would send some pics of Freddie (formerly known as Fifi). She is happy and doing well, demanding as much attention as she can! :)
- Britt (Just a reminder about FiFi she was rescued from the shelter after her owner was found to have Alzheimer's and forgot to feed and care for her five cats. They were starving to death. One of them actually died of starvation. We were able to rescue FiFi and Ginger. Ginger has a pending adoption and Fifi was adopted by Britt who wants to make her a therapy cat! - Barbara) When Yazoo was adopted to be sister to Lapcats alum Hurley, mom and dad hoped they would bond and love each other and sure enough, they are inseparable. She's becoming quite the beautiful girl and she's not even a year old yet. We love happy families and purrfect matches❤️
Another one of my favorite foster's who hit the jackpot! They travel in their very LARGE motor home and Watson is a purrfect travel companion!
![]() Pepper is a sweetheart! We love her SO much. She is the baby of the house. Cuddly and happy to lay on people all the time. In fact, when she wants to cuddle it is hard to put her down. On a few occasions I have to put a sweatshirt on backwards and let her swaddle in the hood to get chores done. On the other hand, she can be a real spitfire when she is hungry or has just eaten. For a little thing she meows SO LOUD when she wants to eat. She ahs a real set of pipes. All I have to do is begin to open the can and she has climbed me like a tree. She is confident and perky. The best and most surprising thing about her- she loves the dogs. She is best friends with our dog Lola. She is happy to chill with our three dog house. In fact she is more of a dog person, She bonded with the dogs before the cat, and Lola adopted her. She follows pepper around to make sure she is safe, and when she licks Pepper, Pep either Purrs or grabs her snout and kisses back. Lola showers her with kisses, and she eats it up. It is adorable. I think Lola considers her as her puppy. They often curl up together for naps. That little pink playcube that Lynda got Pepper, they play in it all the time. The funniest moment was when Lola got her head stuck in the cube looking for Pep, and was walking around with it on like a vet cone. Hillarious. So here are some pics of Pep and Lola. She is the most adorable thing ever. Thank you for letting us adopt her. Sincerely, Kellie Here are a couple of pictures of Opal. She's enjoying her new home and we're enjoying her too!
Julie |
February 2018