The boys are doing great! (We've re-named them, Biscuit is now Twinkle Bear and Marvin is Chomper Nosferatu.) They're both fabulous; they're so adorable and have such strong personalities. We've recently moved into a home with a resident female cat (about 9 years old) and she's not as interested in them as they are in her, so we're doing our best to help soften the transition (mostly for her). They love hanging out with us and are constantly exploring - they open cupboards and drawers and climb everything... our little adventurers! Twinkle likes to sleep on my pillow at night (while I am also sleeping on my pillow) and Chomper likes to crawl all over us and meow loudly to see if we're awake and want to pet and/or play with him. They're our sweet, goofy little buddies. They're sleeping in the room with me as I write this... uh-oh, Chomper's tapping my leg with his paw, I think he wants some attention. :o) I hope all is well with you and all of your precious kitties!
Best regards, Kate
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February 2018